Monday, 15 February 2016

'Get to know me' Tag

Hi everyone

I love reading Tags so I thought I would do this one myself, really hope your enjoy reading.

1) Is you hair naturally straight or curly?
I would say curly but actually random waves (not always in a good way) might describe it better.

2) Do you dye it yourself or go to a salon?
Since I went brunette I always dye it myself, I was blonde for a number of years and I always went to the salon for my blonde.

3) Do you wear the same makeup everyday, or do you change it?
For work it is the same every day, at the weekend it is slightly different and when I go out in the evenings I change it up.

4) How long does it take you to put on your makeup
5 minutes for work, anything from 15 minutes to an hour if I'm going out.

5) What do you do first? Face or eyes
Face for my every day make up, when I going out I do face (foundation), eyes, face (powder and blusher).

6) Do you collect makeup, or just buy it when you need it?
I go tot buy it only when I need it really but I always buy more then I need and I think I I might be heading down the route of a collector.

7) How often do you wear fake eyelashes?
I don't due to having really sensitive eyes but I'm on the look out for a good sensitive pair.

8) What are your current everyday staples?
Barry M Foundation, Collection powder and bronzer, Barry M blusher and ELF mascara.

9) Do you wear makeup when you are at home or with family?
No I don't wear make up at home unless we have visitors.

10) How many high end products do you have?
I have a couple of MAC paint pots and a 4 pack collection of lip glosses but I haven't brought any high end products since I went cruelty free.

11) Do you plan your OOTD the night before, or while you get dressed?
For work and if I'm on a night out its always the day before (more time in bed) but at the weekend I just see what is in my wardrobe.

12) How often do you change your handbag?
I've had handbags brought for me for Christmas and birthdays the last few years so quite often.

13) How often do you work out?
I don't, I walk my dog but that's it.

14) Are you left, or right handed?

I am right handed

15) How tall are you? 
About 5'6

16) Do you speak any foreign languages?
No, I'm really bad at foreign languages

17) Sweet or savoury?
Mostly savoury, sometimes both

18) What is your favourite perfume?
Any Stella Mcartney as they are cruelty free

19) How many pets do you have?
 1 golden Labrador called Mollie, I want lots more though. 

20) Do you read comments on your blog?
Yes I read every comment and really appreciate them, I love to hear your thoughts.

21) Do you keep a list of products to try as you see other posts?

Not really, I love to browse website though and fill up the basket as a wish list

22) How did you come up with your blog name?
It's my initials and then I wanted to say what it was about so cruelty free beauty

23) What kind of camera do you use for your blog photos?
I use my I Pad Air or my I Phone

24) What's your favourite colour?

25) Do you swear?
Not really

26) What are you doing with the rest of your day?
I've just got in from work and had a shower and dinner so tonight I will be watching TV, reading Bloglovin and hopefully writing some more posts.

Hope you enjoyed reading this, make sure to do the tag yourself.


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