Wednesday, 10 February 2016

My top 3 hand care essentials


Someone told me once that your hands are the second thing that people look at after your face. I don't know if that's true but as someone who talks with there hands a lot it wouldn't surprise me. They also one of the first signs of ageing, they go through so much on a daily basis for example in the last 10 minutes I've written my blog, made a cup of tea and stroked my dog all requiring my hands.

It's really important to look after them so here are my essential hand care products to protect and look after your hands.

Firstly it's exfoliation, I work in an office with paper, dust, sitting under air conditioning and using hand dryers so my hands are really dry and sometimes flaky. I don't want to use anything too rough so have have 2 methods, my gloves and my sponge. I use these in the shower and I cover them in shower gel and either just rub the sponge between my hands or put on the gloves and rub my hands together. It does the job but it doesn't scratch or make my hands sore.

This done it's all about moisturiser, I've talked about this brand quite a bit this year but I really like Bayliss and Harding. They smell lovely but very subtle and all rub in really well which may not always seem like a box to tick when buying moisturiser but when you are busy going to work and going for dog walks it's important to be able to moisturise and go. I've got the moisturising one and a softening one and I alternate them.

Lastly it is my pink gloves, they are not the most attractive things to go to bed in but they really work. I put on my moisturiser then put on my gloves, it works particularly well if I put my gloves on the radiator before so they are warm. It makes my hands feel so lovely and soft the next morning.

I would love to hear how you keep your hands soft and smooth, do you have any tips and tricks or good anti ageing hand care recommendations?

Thanks for reading


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