Saturday, 25 June 2016

My top 10 Instagram accounts

Hi everyone

I am still very much addicted to Instagram and I spend most of my bus rides to work trawling through my favourite accounts. So I thought I would share my favourite ones with you.

1. Queenofsheba82 - I actually would put this at my top 1 for both Instagram and You Tube. Queen of sheba82 is Angela Ceberano a PR business women who loves all this fashion and beauty. She runs her own business is all about inspiring women, achieving your goals and being a girlboss.

2. Girltricity - this is actually also Angela Ceberano and its girl + electricity = girl trinity. It is full of inspirational quotes, work wardrobe ideas, work spaces ideas and life goals.

3. Sugermumma - she's all about the money - saving and investing the money. Again another of my favourite instragram accounts and you tubers. She breaks down financial matters such as investing, dividends and savings. She also talks about beauty and lifestyle and has the cutest doggies.

4. It's little lauren - this is such a pretty account, it's so girly. It also makes me a little hungry as she makes some amazing cakes. I love her blog also.

5. Drop some sparkle - the cutest account ever made, it is so pink and fluffy. She has a envy inducing bedroom and such a lovely style. I really admire anyone who has a real sense of who they are and what they like. 

6. TT_mirror - it's the photos on this account which stand out so much, that sounds silly as Instagram is always pictures but somehow these pictures just stand out. 

7. Chloemorello - I love Chloe on her Instagram she has some great photos from events and some great looks. Her life makes me very jealous and I love to be nosy on where she is and what events she is attending. I love her you tube account as well.

8. Plant Based_Pixie - this is a really inspiring account for vegans, the pictures are amazing and really make me hungry. Fruit has never looked so good.

9. Barbieveganbeauty - same again this blog shows you how you can eat began, eat healthy and makes it look amazing.

10. Zoella - I had to include Zoella, she always looks like she is having fun and the photos are great. Another envy inducing accounts.

What are your favourite Instragram accounts? Do you have any reccomendations? 

Thanks for reading


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